Thursday, June 30, 2005

If I had a title...

"Why do we fall? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up."~Thomas Wayne, Batman Begins
"Sometimes truly believing something means holding the rest of the world in contempt."~me
“However the world might change, if you have the power to think, you’ll survive somehow.”~Seibei("Twilight") Iguchi, Twilight Samurai

Sometimes when people talk about "God's will for my life" or "what God wants me to do" it sounds like God is some kind of general, assigning nameless, uniform soldiers arbitrarily to different postings and duties (i.e. "I hope He doesn't make me a missionary in Africa"). Or on the other side, God is the great cosmic director, with script in hand, giving us our blocking in minute detail (You go here, then cross there. Pick up the glass. Drink. Smile. Pause. Blink left eye. Blink right eye.), though He's nice enough to give us our motivation, if we are having trouble.
I wonder if (with some things, at least) it's more like God is a coach (though I absolutely despise sports metaphors, I couldn't really get away from this one). He watches us from the sidelines, puffing his cigar (think Chariots of Fire...I am) as we try all manner of events, maybe with our hearts set on the pole vault, before he pulls us aside, and with a slap on the back says "Trust me lad, you're a born sprinter." Or something like that. You get the point.
I think God probably says "lad" from time to time.

Random Event Since the Last Posting (RESTLP, pronounced "rest-lop"):
Went to the Stevie Nicks concert on Friday with Johanna. (She works crew from time to time on concerts and events and that sort of thing, and one of the supervisors threw two comp tickets her way. I mean, I don't know if he physically threw them, though if he did, I assume she must have caught them...or at least picked them up off the ground.) Stevie Nicks is still her spacy self, and she and her band put on a good show. We both really *wanted* to like opening act Vanessa Carlton, but we couldn't...quite...make it all the way there. Musically she is solid, but lyrically often cliched and smacks of mediocre sixth-form poetry. Like some kinds of cheese, I think she needs to age a bit.

Been Watching: Batman Begins (again), The Aviator
Been Reading: Calvinism in the Las Vegas Airport by Richard Mouw
Been Listening to: Vienna Teng (still), Anna Nalick

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Look for the Girl in the Turquoise Sombrero

"It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me."~The Batman
"What I do is me: for that I came."~Gerard Manley Hopkins
"If you love me, keep my commandments."~Jesus

Greetings. This is what is known, in this crazy world of online internet journals, as an "update." It consists of me writing various amounts of text in an attempt to communicate the important details of my life that have transpired since my last "update." I take this action at the behest of those, specifically my "mom", who are concerned and/or annoyed and/or aggravated and/or cast into a homicidal rage by my recent lack of activity in the online journaling community. Thank you.

Let's see. a job this week. I am working part time at switchboard for the rest of the summer, taking some of Amber's hours because she took another job at an adoption agency. I would really rather be slaving away full time somewhere and earning more money for grad school and a car and insurance and a hang-glider and , um, drugs and guns, or whatever else I was going to buy. But I suppose this gives me time to finish my internship, and study, and all of that. But let me tell you, third shift will wreak complete havoc on your life. I may? Thank you. Here I go: "Third shift will wreak complete havoc on your life.

Father's day was this past weekend. Shame on all you people who settle for last minute cards and gas station purchases to celebrate your parents's respective days. There's something in the Bible about that. I'm sure you're all smitten or cast out or something.
Anyway. The tradition at my house, for the past few years, at least, is "King for a Day" (spawned partly because Dad usually refuses to ask for any presents). We always begin with a humorous proclamation and/or skit, usually written by yours truly. This year's involved Dad being a patient on the television medical show "House," with me being Dr. House, hobbling around on a cane and making acerbic remarks, and John and David as the other doctors. Oh, speaking of which...
***Product Placement/Hearty Recommendation/Shameless Plug***
If you have yet to see the show "House," for the love of all that is good and decent repent and live in your ignorance no longer. It is hands down (hands down where? and what hands? what does that even mean? is it like "put your hands down, class" because someone already has the answer?) the best show on television right now, and Hugh Laurie is absolutely brilliant as sarcastic, cynical, misanthropic Dr. Greg House, a sort of medical Sherlock Holmes. Tuesday nights, 9pm, on Fox. Be there somewhere else.
***End all that stuff***
Oh, and I've decided I'm going to go to medical school...and start carrying a cane. See the problem is, you can't get away with carrying a cane unless you actually need one, or you look pretentious and affected (and you know how I always avoid THAT). I don't want to need one, just to have one. Ah well. Maybe I will get hit by a bus or something.
We (by which I mean my immediate family and our significant others. Which means, my immediate family.) also went to go see Batman Begins on Sunday. It is definitely the best Batman film so far, arguably the best superhero movie ever (rivaled only by Spiderman 2, but that one had the advantage of building of the foundation of the first movie), and, more than all that, simply a great film in its own right. My hesitancy about the casting of Christian Bale (Newsies Christian Bale! Go ahead, girls, start singing), somewhat eased by Equilibrium, has now been completely put to rest. The rest of the cast is phenomenal as well, with Oscar winners and nominees all over the place; except, of course, for Katie Holmes, a chunk of floating space debris in a sea of twinkling stars. Even if you don't like Batman, or comic books, you will still see a wonderful adventure film, where the protagonist just happens to dress like a bat from time to time.

Friday (since I may as well just cycle through events) was "Foxfest" in Ionia, a free outdoor concert put on by one of the local classic rock stations. John, Katie, Johanna, Matt and I all went, basking on our blanket in the overcast sun. Deep Purple, Kenny (Kenney?) Wayne Shepherd (Smith?), a local band named Broken Sunday, and Blue Oyster Cult (thought of you, Phil; "I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell") were all performing. I think Deep Purple gave the strongest performance, with their barefoot, frilly white shirt, long grey hair front man reminding the crowd that rock and roll is supposed to be fun, dangit, forget about all this grimacing and posing crap. During one song Matt and I looked at each other for a second, then reached for our lighters and joined the swaying crowd.

Saturday went to see "Crossing Delancy" starring my very own Carleen (well, not just mine. we all share her). I don't know if there is anyone I enjoy seeing on stage more. Sadly, I did learn that she and Aaron are getting ready to move far, far away (this compounded but the fact that I haven't really seen her since I got back). Ah well, there will always be pilgrimages to see her work her way towards Broadway.

I' a short story. Or attempting to write, rather. You know how people always told you not to swallow the watermelon seeds because they will grow in your stomach? Yeah, it's about that; sort of Bradbury-esque. I may post it here, when it's done, or mail it out to people who request it or something. I've been struggling with my own peculiar brand of writer's block (more like paralysis) for a while now, hopefully I can strangle it, kick some dirt over it, and let the ants and worms tear the flesh from its rotting carcass. Or something. I think it mostly feeds off frustration; the idea of unavoidable failure as a produce drafts irks me, for I have this "Young Sherlock Holmes with the violin" attitude towards so many things.

Right. Yes. I think that is enough for now. Wouldn't want anyone to O.D. on my presence or anything. Well, keep those cards and letters coming.

Grace be with you all,

Been Watching: Batman Begins; Good Company; Twilight Samurai
Been Reading: The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever by Stephen R. Donaldson

Friday, June 10, 2005

Who do the online quizzes say that I am?

Take the quiz: "What Celtic Diety are you?"

{tal-i-ess-in} (Welsh) Radiant Brow, aof Song; Chief of the Bards of the West; a poet. Patron of Druids, Bards, and minstrels; a shape-shifter. Writing, poetry; wisdom; wizards; Bards; music; knowledge; magic. A semi-mythical figure whose life has become deeply intertwined with the Divinities of the Celts. A book of his work exists, set down in the 13th century; several of the works within it are regarded as genuine. He figures in many tales, but chief among them is the story that he began as the boy Gwion, was asked by the Cauldron-Crone Cerridwen to watch the vessel in which she brewed a Knowledge potion, inadvertently tasted it himself, was pursued by her in a chase involving many shapeshifts, and was at length swallowed by Her, to be reborn nine months later as the Divine bard Taliesin.

Take the quiz: "Which Famous Knight of the Round Table are you?"

King Arthur
You are King Arthur! Noble and kind, and above all, fair, you know how to run people. However, someone in your life is not loyal to you and your love for their feelings could be a downfall. Don't let people get to you, and trust your instincts and heart.

Take the quiz: "Which Harry Potter House Should You Be In?"

Well done! You're in Ravenclaw! You're the smartest of the bunch and always have your wits about you. 'For Ravenclaw, the cleverest would always be the best...'

Take the quiz: "what kind of drug are you? (includes pictures)"
you are cocaine. addictive, expensive and confident.

Take the quiz: "Which Element do you align with?"

You are a being of Earth. You are full of common sense and good judgement, but you can be stubborn. You might love the outdoors best. Dionysis and Cernunnos watch over you.

Take the quiz: "Which Empire of history are you? (pics)"
British Empire
You're unique and haughty... a little hypocritical but intelligent, don't let your cruelty rule your personality

Take the quiz: "Which Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle are You?"
You're mature and get the job done. You are a natural born leader, and normally want to be the better of the group. You take your job seriously. You must! It may NOT be a game. When you select a sport, or something you want to do, you train continueously, constantly trying to perfect it. You're always prepared for a challenge, and are normally found one step ahead of your enemies. Loving family more than life itself, you are a good friend, and can be depended on at all times.

Take the quiz: "What Kind Of Weapon Are you?"

You're the sword! Most definitely the most honorable and honest of weapons. You've been used for thousands of years to inflict pain and death on mankind. People see you as the most noble of weapons. Traditionally, you're the big brother of the gun. If a gun isn't available, a fighter will grab for you and try to take out their enemy. You're retired now, nobody really uses you in war, mankind has other... More disgusting methods now. You're good for a stab in the heart, the neck or the gut and everyone appreciates a death by a sword. The only people that use you anymore are either very stupid or very crazy. Murderer.

And, for my SCIO crew:
Take the quiz: "What ALIAS character are you?"
Marshall Flinkmann
There is a hidden genious in all of us, but as far as brains go, you take the cake. Though apart from your large cranium filled with next gen knowledge, you seem to be lacking a bit on the social front. Perhaps spending a little more time with real people and less in front of anything with wires is in order. Though you are doing better in the relationship department than most people in your office. A wife and child is something to be proud of, and they certainly are of you. As generous as they come, your quirky nature is loved by many. Yeah. Big surprises all around. Weee....

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Strike up the band

"It’s a great thing to get on with one's loving--and not waste time."
~Lottie from "Enchanted April", one of my favorite movies

Today is/was my Mom's birthday. I even got up before 9am to partake in the celebration. (!) So "Happy Birthday" to the woman who carried me for 12 long months. I love you. was it again?

Tonight I went to Grand Rapids "Festival of the Arts" with some friends. The Festival in question is a sort of multi-day fair type event, with bands and performers and orchstras and dance companies and, well, all sorts of artistic things. The friends in question were Emily (Ward), Tyler (Rieth) and Caroline ( I even know another Caroline?). Amongst other things, Johanna's dance company was performing; that was on of *my* main reason for going, at least.
I think the entire population of GR was there this evening, save some kids, their babysitters, people on house arrest, and vampires (the sun was up for most of it); our little group kept colliding with friends and acquaintences as we meandered through the now pedestrian-only streets.
Johanna did well, and so did her dancemates. (teammates? dance sisters? sistas?) After mingling with her fan club, she joined our posse, a posse bent less on vigilante justice and more
And Johanna spent half the night spitting the seeds from her lemonade at me. "Lemon pips" as she said. I think *she* is a "lemon pip." And so she is. (I know in true Vines style I should say that her Mom is a lemon pip, but I think her mom is actually quite nice)(and really, I know that Johanna only acts out like that because she proves herself to be the Jerry Quarry of verbal sparring)
Tonight was nice, parts of it; I laughed, and we had fun. But I still couldn't help but feel...weary. Stiff, not in any of my body's muscles, but in my mind (Heart? Soul?). I don't know if that makes sense, but it's the right image for me.

I like cereal.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes.

I just finished reading Alan Moore's "Watchmen." I bought it this evening from Barnes and Noble and read it cover to cover, finishing the last few chapters wrapped up in my covers like an eleven year old staying up past his bed time. It's brilliant, honestly. Without a doubt one of the finest comic book stories I have read. Or should I say "graphic novel"? Must "comic book" still carry with it a negative connotation? (Read Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics, I beg you. This means you, Kate, if you are reading. It is not only the best book on the comic form, but an incredible work on aesthtics, art theory, and storytelling in the visual medium.)
Yesterday I finished Stephen King's Bag of Bones, what was billed as "A Haunted Romance." It was. And one if his better works, I must say.
I'm not sure why all this is important enough to post. Perhaps it's worth posting because it *isn't* all that important. Who wants more rambling about the meaning of life from an online journal. Not me.
Because then, you get, well, take it away, Rorschach...
"The cold, suffocating dark goes on forever, and we are alone. Live our lives, lacking anything better to do. Devise reasons later. Born from oblivion; bear children, hellbound as ourselves; go to oblivion. There is nothing else. Existence is random. Has no pattern save what we imagine after staring at it for too long. No meaning save what we choose to impose..."~Rorschach, "Watchmen"
Like that. See?