Friday, May 20, 2005

Idle musings

Today I heard a minister say that what God desires more than anything else is our worship. I disagree. I think what God desires more than anything else, in this life, is our *obedience*. Jesus Himself said "If you love me, keep my commandments." And again "To obey is better than sacrifice." The picture we see over and over again is of God desperately trying to get us to listen to Him, to heed His voice, and do what He asks--not because *He* needs us to, or a simple desire to exercise unquestioned authority, but because He knows it is what is best for us, if we would only just listen, and trust Him.
Just a thought.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen! And thank you for saying it. What God desires most is a life fully surrendered to Him...not just in word, but in reality. Worship will be a natural outcome, but even worship cannot be authentic without surrender.

I would also add that we obey not only because it is best for us in the long run, but also because, when we believed, we joined God in His work of redemption. That is the point of our lives now regardless of where we go and what form it takes in each individual. We obey because the plan is His and He knows how it should unfold.

Just some musings of my own...

~ Katie