Saturday, January 22, 2005

So much to do, so little time, mental acuity, and physcial capability...

I feel rather unwell today, and as a result have gotten very little done. Though I did polish off a Narnia book for my Lewis class (and we all know how taxing THAT must have been), attempting to conquer the major works of Anselm with a fuzzy head and a fever is not easily done. I ended up keeping indoors all day (due in no small part to the cold, damp weather--yes, it finally comes), eschewing dinner at the Eagle and Child and later a party at one of the Senior Common Rooms. I did get to see part of Pride and Prejudice tonight, but prudence (ha! another "P" word) sends me to bed before its completion in search of rest. Josh, our Junior Dean (think RD) knows it practically word for word, further raising him in my estimation.
Last night was wonderful for all concerned, as the Vines hosted an Open Mike/Talent night. Some silly acts, some serious, and in the end I think we really did bond a bit more as a "community." I decided to dust off my old Richard III monologue (for those of you who saw me in the Creative Arts Festival last year, you know of what I speak). I was pleased with the performance I gave, and it seemed to be very well received (I heard "amazing," "scary," and was compared to Kenneth Branagh, among other things, though I confess the praise was perhaps slightly exaggerated. But then, why do I put it here...). I had forgotten how much I enjoyed acting, when my heart is in it, and while I may not audition for anything while I am here, it was a good feeling. Afterward, I ending up standing around talking and singing (yes, singing; Disney, hymns, showtunes, praise songs) with some friends for an hour and a half or so.
Tomorrow, if I am well enough (and by well I mean "if I have a pulse and brain activity") I will be venturing out for fencing lessons. To say I am looking forward to this would be like would be an understatement. I am also looking into ballroom dancing lessons, which I have been wanting to take for as long as I can remember (decide for yourself how long that actually is). Oh, and there is also a Kendo society at Oxford (wish you were here, John!) which is, in the words of the young folk: "sweet." So yes, Brian will be getting stabbed, hit, stepped on, and generally making a fool of himself, but having the time of his life. Oh. Yeah. There are classes here, too...

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