Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Much Ado About Nothing

Sorry I am a bit behind the times in posting this; I've been up to my proverbial eyeballs (which are just slightly higher and to the left of my normal eyeballs) in life for the past few weeks.


I am in a play this summer. Right now, actually (well, I mean, not right at this precise moment; I mean we have commenced performances for the season). Specifically, Heritage Theatre's production of Wm. Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing. I have a smaller part (a member of the watch...lots of stage time, but not so much dialogue), so don't necessarily come on my account, but it is a pretty solid production. Tickets are a little steep--$18 for "adults" but only $8 for students--so it may also depend on your academic situation or the performance of your mutual funds.

We actually opened last Thursday, so I apologize profusely for being so late in my invitations, and also for being a bit out of circulation for a little while now.

Performance dates are as follows:
Fri. July 14, 8pm
Sun. July 16, 3pm (half price!)
Sat July 22, 8pm
Thurs. July 27, 8pm
Sat. August 5, 8pm
Thur. August 10, 8pm
(no touring dates. Grand Rapids only. Sorry, non-Michigan friends)

More information at the Heritage Website; or, of course, you could post a comment or drop me a line.

Grace be with you all.


Anonymous said...

Much Ado is a great play, one of my favorites of Shakespeare. Doesn't it feel great to be involved in a show? Even just being present... ~sigh~ good thoughts now. hopefully i'll dream of this very thing.

Due to lack of monetary income, i shall not be able to make it.. though i would greatly enjoy it.

hope the rest of the performances go smoothly and well...

:-) see you around.

Anonymous said...

My friend Steve is in that show too...and Amy's directing! Wish I could be there! Tell Amy that I said hello!

and...Break a leg!

Anonymous said...

You should update.

That's all I have to say.


Anonymous said...

I suppose that I should just assume that Much Ado went well and no major fatalities occured during the show. I should also assume that you've been quite busy with work and all the other important things in your life such as people, learning, and fabricating puse sun hats out of thin air ... so busy in fact that you have to time to tell us that you even took up the art of fabricating puse sun hats out of thin air... how would we of ever known.
hopefully see you soon, friend.

Anonymous said...

i think this screams for an update... Prospero... ;-)

Cyberspace Paladin said...