Thursday, May 17, 2007


Today I spent 9 and 1/2 hours within a few hundred yards of the Ford dealership, waiting for the privilege of paying $220 for them to fix my transmission but *not have enough time to get to my brakes, and rescheduling for another day.
Most of the day wasted through their incompetence and my own lack of foresight; from now on I am going with my temperament, and planning for a worst case scenario.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

This is *so* insignificant...

Today I discovered that in PHP you can include and array value in a string without concatenation of any kind. You just have to use brackets. So instead of:
echo “Blablabla ” . $array[‘key’] . “ blablabla”;

You have:
echo “Blablabla {$array[‘key’]} blabla”;

You'd think I would have known that already. It will definitely make MySQL queries simpler, but concatenating just feels so much *cleaner* somehow.
I also learned how to properly sort multidimensional arrays, which is convenient, as I tend to be an array fiend.

Ahem. Anyway...